When someone comments on one of my posts, I expect some colorful language - it's a place everyone can vent, which I don't mind. When someone comments behind you, please don't assume it was directed at you. That's what happened today.
Well, a very uncalled for insult resulted (which I deleted). The person claimed it was an insult in the previous comment. I spoke to that person and it was confirmed that it was directed at the post and not the other commenter.
In the end, I got a text from the person saying I never have their back, I am an asshole and I'm blocked on here (not really, just unfriended) and blocked on the Twitter.
So, thus ends a two year friendship because rationality flew out the window and temper and stupidity took its place. [End rant]
Update for this blog:
Will I miss this person, yes. After two years of chatting, and getting to know one another, we became very close friends. Will I make the first move at reconciliation? I don't think so, as I feel I have done nothing wrong in this situation. Will I talk to this person again? Well, that remains to be seen. Until then, I will wish them well.
"The future disappears into memory
With only a moment between
Forever dwells in that moment
Hope is what remains to be seen"