You see it daily. Flags American flags flying from cars passing you on the road.
You hear it daily on Fox “News” and rightwing radio. This person or that person is not American or has anti-American views.
You see Tea Party people calling people in the political realm with whom they disagree Communists, Socialists, Statists, etc.. yet have no idea of what they are talking about.
I am an American. I am proud to be an American. I value my rights as an American. I don’t take my rights for granted, unless someone attempts to take my rights away.
What I don’t need is someone telling me I’m not an American for having progressive/liberal views. I am not a Socialist, but I believe there should be a level playing field when it comes to taxes or healthcare. What I don’t need is to hear someone telling me I’m not an American because I don’t believe in unnecessary wars against unarmed countries such as Iraq. What I don’t need to hear is someone telling me I’m not an American because I disagree with a former president’s views on torture or wiretapping American citizens without a warrant. I also don’t need someone telling me I have Socialist views because I support President Obama. Everyone has the right to an opinion, but no one has the right to their own facts or twisting the facts to fit their agenda. If I tell you something is black, and show you it’s black, you can’t say to me it’s gray.
Yes, there are Blue states and Red States; Liberals and Conservatives; people of all races, genders, sexual orientations, and religions; but what makes this country great is we are the United States. We live under one Constitution and pledge allegiance to the same flag. The flag a conservative sees is somehow different from the flag I see – but they are wrong. The flag is a symbol of hope to some. It is a symbol of freedom – and a freedom I hold close to my heart, and no one can change that or claim I have anti-American views.
I know people of color, yet I have never questioned their citizenship. I know people of different religions, yet have never said it was the wrong religion. I know people with sexualities that differ from mine, but never told them they were bad people. I know women, but have never thought they deserved less than what I have or make. I know Conservatives, but even though we disagree on many issues, I’ve never told them they can’t have those views. What makes me proud is that we live in a country where we can all live together and be allowed to be different. The United States is still, and always will be, a great melting pot. I live in a city where I meet people who are from all over the world. I’ve learned about many cultures and different ways of life that differed from my upbringing in a small city. I’ve learned to ask questions and opened my mind to thoughts of lives lived in other lands. Which is why I believe people with closed minds rarely have a chance at really living.
The First Amendment is something I hold close to my heart, as well. Which how I can tie all of the above mish-mash of thoughts together. I have as much right to speak my opinions as anyone else. You have as much right to worship as I chose not to. But we all have the right to assemble and protest the government. Take away these rights, and we as a country are lost.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
So, car flag person or lapel flag person – I’m no different from you. I have different ideas and dreams, I have different opinions. So, to co-opt the Constitution or Flag as your own, you’re only fooling yourself. As you’re pondering pulling out your little yellow flag with the coiled snake and yelling at us, let me be the first to say to you: DON’T TREAD ON ME!!!
Frozen Ghost – Should I See