Welcome!!! (plus a disclaimer)
This is my first post. My name is Paul and I live in the Las Vegas (NV) area. I've thought long and hard about what I wanted this blog to be about... I wanted to do politics, which I plan on doing, but in my own way. I am good at talking to people about my news, but writing them out may be harder for me right now, so at the moment, I am going to infuse what I know best, which is music, into what I know least - politics. I'm not saying I don't know politics - I do... but I don't feel I can do good with it (for now - give me time). What I've decided to do is this... I'm going to take a certain song, break down the lyrics by inserting a link to a news story that may be relevant to the world as it is now - as far as I know, no one has done this and I hope I'm the first.
I am a liberal and I support the Democrats, but I don't think I will do as well as the blogs I read most often - such as DailyKos, Crooks and Liars, Atrios at Eschaton, Taylor Marsh, Firedog Lake, AMERICAblog, Talking Points Memo, or Democratic Underground. I listen to Randi Rhodes, Mike Malloy, Al Franken, Sam Seder/Majority Report, and on occasion, Alan Colmes. I refuse to watch FOX News (no link out of protest), so I am content with CNN and some of MSNBC - mainly Keith Olbermann, though.Besides music, I enjoy watching an over abundant amount of TV (I will post on that later), I've read a few books I may talk about (some I haven't started yet, too), and music from the past that may jar your memories, with some new things I may have discovered along the way...I will also be talking about my Rat Terriers,
Peanut & Butters (pictures below)...
Again - Welcome!!!
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