Saturday, June 22, 2013

Facebook Rant 06/22/2013

[Begin Rant] Are there people who abuse the Food Stamp program? Yes. Are there people who abuse the Medicaid system? Yes. But are these programs vital to our country? YES. We would have less people on food stamps if Republicans and Big Business would stop fighting against raising the Minimum Wage which would pull many families out of poverty to afford the MAIN necessities of living - FOOD, thus giving them a wage they can survive on, rather than just scrape by.

If we had a better health delivery system in this country, and take out the profit motives, people could afford to see a regular physician rather than relying on emergency rooms for primary care. The best way to deal with that would be a national single payer system and Congress should enact price controls on pharmaceuticals because much of the high costs are set by greedy Big Pharma. Remember the days when the medical "industry" wasn't motivated largely by profits. [End Rant]"

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