Wednesday, September 05, 2007

First Learn English - Then Give Speeches

With Robert Draper's book "Dead Certain" coming out, there have been lots and lots of quotes from it being used. One thing that stood out was Mr. Bush talking about how he wants to do speeches to make money. Then it occured to me. Who in the hell would pay him. The man can barely speak English. He has butchered the language more than someone who uses English as a second language. The man needs to go to Toastmasters if he wishes to succeed.

From the NYT:

First, Mr. Bush said, “I’ll give some speeches, just to replenish the ol’ coffers.” With assets that have been estimated as high as nearly $21 million, Mr. Bush added, “I don’t know what my dad gets — it’s more than 50-75” thousand dollars a speech, and “Clinton’s making a lot of money.”

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