Wednesday, October 24, 2007

$2.4 Trillion US Dollars down the Sh*thole!!!

The House Budget Committee met today to discuss the war spending. Only one Republican bothered to show up, and guess who it wasn't!!! Don't know?? I'll tell you... Our own congrASSman Jon Porter (R-NV03). I guess the ASS only cares about siding with the War party than his constituents and the American People!!!

Rep. Doggett: “I assume, by Mr. Ryan being here, that every member of this panel, including every Republican member on that side of the aisle where all the seats are vacant, received notice about this hearing about the cost of war in Iraq?”

Chairman Spratt: “I’m sure they did.”

Rep. Doggett: “And when was this notice of the hearing sent out?”

Chairman Spratt: “Seven days ago, as required by the rules.”

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