Monday, October 22, 2007

Dumbass - 60 Minutes Edition!!

After watching the 60 Minutes interview of Valerie Plame-Wilson and her husband, Ambassador Joe Wilson, I've come to the assumption that Katie Couric is a complete idiot!!! Some of her lines of questioning were not only off-base, out of the fucking ballpark. She played the interview, in my opinion, not as an impartial journalist, but a partisan hack. I'm sure Keith Olbermann will do a much better job on Tuesday's Countdown.

CBS Transcript:

"It was a mafia-like tactic. And the idea of going after your family, even in Washington, was an outrage. Nobody went after Karl Rove's family. Nobody went after Scooter Libby's family. They went after my family," Wilson says.

"But in all fairness, Karl Rove's wife doesn't work for the CIA," Couric remarks.

"How do you know?" Wilson says.

"Scooter Libby's wife doesn't work for the CIA," Couric says.

"How do you know? How do you know?" Wilson asks.

"I don't know for sure. But I think it's a safe assumption," Couric replies.
(Note: You know what happens when one "assumes")

Says Wilson, "Yeah, you don't know. And we don't know what they did because nobody went after their families. And that's the way it should be. That's the way it would be. However you wanna play the game, the idea of going after somebody's family is an absolute outrage."

"You are still seething," Couric says.

"Oh, I think - absolutely," Wilson admits, laughing. "Absolutely. I'm seething because it was first and foremost a great betrayal of the national security of the country."

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